Company History

Company History MTP Group

PT Multi Trading Pratama was founded 16 years ago in Makassar as a trading business for refined petroleum products. MTP Group has grown rapidly to become one of the largest private suppliers of asphalt, industrial fuel, logistics, and supply chain solutions in Indonesia with 13 Terminals spread over the islands of Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan, 450 tank trucks and 9 tanker units. Mr. Yusuf Tyos and Mrs. Meikewati Bunadi are entrepreneurs from Makassar, started this business in 2005 and established PT Multi Trading Pratama based on deed No.14 dated 28 September 2005, Notary Lieke Tunggal, SH, with approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights Man by decree No.C.1453.HT.01.01 of 2006 dated January 18, 2006, with the company's head office at Jl.Lure No.4/8 Makassar.

  • We are always committed to the satisfaction of our customers

To become an Oil and Gas Company, on a National and Global scale, doing business in the downstream sector, by seeking reasonable profits, competing fairly and providing good service to consumers as well as obeying and complying with all applicable Government regulations.

Mendukung pelaksanaan dan kebijakan serta program pemerintah dibidang ekonomi dan pembangunan nasional pada umumnya dan khususnya
pembangunan infrastruktur jalan dan jembatan sebagai sarana vital, guna menunjang kelancaran roda perekonomian nasional

  • Integritas
  • Professionalisme
  • Kerjasama Tim
  • Inovasi
  • Pelayanan Prima
  • Motivasi
  • Keselamatan Kerja
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