Abdul Gaffar

Director of Operations

Mr. Abdul Gaffar, SE, MM is a man born in Sinjai in 1961. He received his higher education in Economics and completed his Masters in Management at Hasanuddin University, Makassar in 2001. Seminars/courses in various fields of applied science (Marketing, Credit Management, functions Banking, Operations Management (Production) and Strategic Management studies During 2009-2010 participated in various international seminars and conferences Having expertise in strategic management (SWOT Analysis)

In 1989 as auditor staff of Cooperative Jas Audit Prov. South Sulawesi, 1990-2012 at Askrindo with the last position as Branch Head for the Eastern Province of Indonesia. In 2005-2008 as a Lecturer at the Nitro Fajar Banking Financial Management College.

Since 2012 he has joined the Multi Trading Pratama Group as Director of Operations.

  • We believe that the targets that have been set as stated in the 2021 Revenue Budget Work Plan (RKAP) can be implemented through a Follow-Up Plan (RTL) with a forecasting method that is adapted to the company's business cycle and characteristics. A professional business plan if the RKAP is followed by dynamic operational/functional policies and strategies so that the work programs in each section can be implemented properly in accordance with the existing RTL. The key to the success of implementing and realizing all work programs that have been planned as stated in the company's RKAP for the 2021 fiscal year is absolutely necessary coordination and conducive communication, both horizontally and vertically. So, happy new year 2021.
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